
Lucy Rose Till-Campbell is a twenty-nine-year-old woman living in The Chicagoland Area. She is a cartoonist who works entry-level food service jobs in order to pay for therapy and student loans. The rest of the time she works on self-publishing zines and occasionally haunting the halls of Instagram with weirdness.

Lucy Rose grew up in the Czech Republic and still thinks of herself as Czech, even though its been 9 years since she moved to The Chicagoland Area and her spoken Czech sounds pretty terrible right now. 

Lucy Rose studied English Literature at Wheaton College, because she didn't really know what she wanted to major in and she already had a ton of English credits so she may as well. She didn't have a very good grasp of how American college worked.

Despite having decided that she would be VERY FOCUSED ON SCHOOL AND NOT BOYS Lucy Rose met and began dating her husband Sheldon within approximately two hours of arriving as a Freshman. Just kidding, it was technically a few weeks. But still. 

Lucy Rose and Sheldon have now been married for over five whole years, which is crazy. They love each other very much and Lucy Rose thinks she may have found the only man who would put up with the sheer levels of weird she has to offer. She has also had five years to unearth an astonishing amount of weird in Sheldon as well. This proved to be a more of an archaeological effort, because between the two of them Sheldon tends to be more adept at "normal-ing". But don't worry. He's a complete weirdo.

Sheldon is an artist. He works full time facilitating a college Art Department and uses the rest of his time working on his own art. He mostly does printmaking and oil painting. He has a website. And Lucy Rose is very proud of him and not threatened at all by the fact that he is such a talented artist. 

Lucy Rose and Sheldon are zooming toward their thirties with zero children or pets on the horizon. 

Lucy Rose doesn't currently have any way to sell her zines (self-published booklets), which have been her primary form of artistic output or the past four years. Her website went dormant after she forgot to pay the bill for the hosting platform. She hopes to someday get her butt in gear and sell a few zines, but based on experience this will either not happen or take a very half-assed form. So for now no one can see them unless they physically track her down and ask to see some zines, please.

Lucy Rose has been blogging on and off on this exact blog since the age of fifteen. Which means that anyone with a morbid curiosity can dig very deep into the archives and discover a gold mine of embarrassing stuff. Lucy Rose herself can only bear to look at some of the oldest posts on very good mental health days. 

Speaking of mental health, Lucy Rose likes to talk about this topic a lot in her work. She started struggling with depression and anxiety at age 11 and also experienced a major bout with mental illness at age 15, which resulted in medications and a psychiatric hospital stay. She is very open about her current struggles with anxiety and depression. But she also likes to talk about whatever random crap comes into her head. 


<3 LR

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